Today’s Inspirational Quote

“By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that wasn’t there before.” How much time to we spend comparing ourselves to others? I wish I had her hair, his money, their house… When we do this, our serenity and inner peace go right out the window! Instead of lamenting what you don’t have, […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that wasn’t there before.” How much time to we spend comparing ourselves to others? I wish I had her hair, his money, their house… When we do this, our serenity and inner peace go right out the window! Instead of lamenting what you don’t have, […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that wasn’t there before.” How much time to we spend comparing ourselves to others? I wish I had her hair, his money, their house… When we do this, our serenity and inner peace go right out the window! Instead of lamenting what you don’t have, […]
Double Vision: Why is Relationship with One Child more Spiritual?

My life has been a mystical, wonderful journey. I have four children. My second born, a son, is often in my dreams. (I am a very lucid dreamer.) This son seems to be on a special spiritual journey with me to a higher existence. We help each other, and the trust we share is powerful. […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that wasn’t there before.” How much time to we spend comparing ourselves to others? I wish I had her hair, his money, their house… When we do this, our serenity and inner peace go right out the window! Instead of lamenting what you don’t have, […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that wasn’t there before.” How much time to we spend comparing ourselves to others? I wish I had her hair, his money, their house… When we do this, our serenity and inner peace go right out the window! Instead of lamenting what you don’t have, […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that wasn’t there before.” How much time to we spend comparing ourselves to others? I wish I had her hair, his money, their house… When we do this, our serenity and inner peace go right out the window! Instead of lamenting what you don’t have, […]
Double Vision: Exercises to Strengthen and Protect the Aura

Many thanks for your absolutely wonderful website and the good advice you give. I wonder if you could kindly suggest some spiritual exercises I can do on a regular basis to help strengthen and protect my aura and also enhance my magnetic energies so that I will be able to attract positive situations, events and […]