Today’s Inspirational Quote

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” Definitely! I guess we all know young people who behave as if they were a lot older in the way they live their daily lives and also their outlook on life. We consider them “old before their […]
Double Vision: Is Mom’s Spirit Suddenly Close Because She is Going to Die?

My mom died 10 years ago in a car accident. A week after she passed, I was driving home and felt this ray of sunshine. I knew it was her. It gave me an incredible sense of peace and love. I hadn’t really thought much of it since, but then this year I have really […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.” Never give your enthusiasm for anything or anyone the opportunity to slip away! Keep a tight grip on it whatever happens as it’s one of your very best friends. It has served you well throughout your life and, just because you may be […]
Double Vision: Objects Disappear and Reappear at Random

Around five years ago, my husband gave me a lovely pair of diamond earrings. Last morning morning, I lost one of them. I was in my bathroom at my sink and I took the earring off to clean it. I always close the drain so it doesn’t drop down it. As I dried it with […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” Definitely! I guess we all know young people who behave as if they were a lot older in the way they live their daily lives and also their outlook on life. We consider them “old before their […]
Double Vision: Sad Dreams about Departed Mom

I lost my mom almost two years ago. I dream of her often, but they are never happy dreams; instead, they are dreams of her being sick or of us losing her all over again. Can you tell me why I never have happy dreams about her? Bambi Astrea: Two years isn’t very long to […]
Double Vision: Is She Being Spiritually Tested?

For many years, I lived a very happy and blessed life. Then about four years ago, one thing after another started to go wrong. First my mother died, then my father met and married a new woman and they moved far away and now have nothing to do with the rest of the family, which […]
Double Vision: EVP Work Leads to Negative Experiences

Five years ago, my gift changed from seeing spirit to hearing spirit. At that time in my life, I was feeling pretty low. I did EVP work without protecting myself because at that time, I didn’t know it was important. Because I was feeling so low, I attracted low level spirits. Now, five years later, […]
Double Vision: Is Secondhand Bed Haunted?

My grandson is almost three years old. My daughter bought a secondhand bed in the shape of a car for him, and ever since, he has not wanted to go to bed because he says the children are in his room. Loud noises upset him and he has now started putting the pillow over his […]
Double Vision: She Forgave but She Can’t Forget

Three years ago, I caught my husband with his secretary in bed in my house. It was devastating for me because my husband generally looks down on people who flirt and have extra marital affairs. I was so shocked that I had no words to express my hurt and anger. Though the woman was married, […]