Double Vision: Psychic v. Physical Fitness

I’m both a psychic and a yoga teacher, and am wondering what you think about the connection between physical fitness and psychic ability. It seems to me that being healthy and fit would enhance our psychic abilities, just as it enhances every other area of our lives, yet I see many psychics who are riddled […]
3 Ways (Yoga Included!) to Shift Your Body Image

3 Ways (Yoga Included!) to Shift Your Body Image, by Anna Guest-Jelley, MA (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) A friend recently asked me how I made the shift towards a more positive body image. And I froze. Despite writing about this often and thinking about it even more, an answer didn’t easily spring […]
How Yoga Practice Can Transform Your Relationship to Food

How Yoga Practice Can Transform Your Relationship to Food, by Melissa Grabau, PhD (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) A good yoga class provides a physical workout with a healthy serving of food for thought. Like a side salad with your meal, worthwhile nourishment is to be had in the crisp insights and tender […]
3 Ways Yoga Changes Your Life for the Better

3 Ways Yoga Changes Your Life for the Better, by Ally Hamilton (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) I’d been practicing yoga for fifteen years, and teaching for about twelve, when I found out I was pregnant with my first, my son. His conception was not without its efforts, some of which included acupuncture […]
Using Yoga to Cure Insomnia
Using Yoga to Cure Insomnia, by Thomas Polkinghorne (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) You are in bed, trying to get some sleep before you leave for work tomorrow morning. You know that if you do not get any sleep tonight, then tomorrow you will come into work drowsy and unfocused. Glancing over at […]
From Suffering to Peace Q and A with Author Mark Coleman

Like yoga before it, mindfulness is now flourishing in every sector of society. It is a buzzword in everything from medicine to the military. In the new book From Suffering to Peace: The True Promise of Mindfulness, author Mark Coleman, who has studied and taught mindfulness meditation for decades, draws on his knowledge to not […]