Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of FRIENDSHIP – “I am blessed with many friendships, each one designed to heighten my spiritual awareness. I give thanks for the presence of others in my life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: White, Number: 11)
MONDAY: Your ruler Venus’ move into Pisces today could inspire you to make a surprising change of heart or mind, just when you thought everything was settled. Once you do, you’ll see the future ahead with new eyes and greater optimism. Adjust your plans to accommodate the requests of a loved one under tonight’s Virgo Moon; ultimately, you’ll be the one on the receiving end. The Hierophant will serve as your tarot card and direct you on the most effective way to get your point across to others this week.
KEEP IN MIND: Information is a funny thing; it can instantly change the path you’re on. That being said, pay close attention and keep your eyes and ears open for some interesting insights today.