Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of ACCEPTANCE – “When I accept things as they are, I am building greater trust and faith in Spirit. Letting go of my own ideas to align with the Universe will pay off in amazing ways.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Green, Number: 4)

FRIDAY: Some things that are leaving your life now will create a void, but thanks to today’s Taurus Moon, it won’t be empty for long. Visit that place inside yourself where your deepest desires lie and meditate on finding more creative ways to make them a reality. Be diplomatic when debating someone who confronts you this evening, but continue to stand your ground. You’ll be tempted to stay up later than usual, but no problem, as you can sleep in tomorrow.

KEEP IN MIND: With all the transitions occurring now, you may feel a bit lost today; rediscover your faith through spiritual disciplines.