Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of ADVANCEMENT – “Emerging possibilities call for my attention. I turn to Spirit for direction, ready to do whatever is called for in my quest for advancement.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

WEDNESDAY: The security-conscious Libra Moon will encourage you to take a closer look at your finances today, as it’s time for a revision. To gain a more realistic view of your current situation, along with viable solutions, write down the facts. When a health problem flares up, take it as a sign that you’re out of balance. A change in diet or exercise will resolve things immediately. Rain incense can clarify your intentions as well as your needs, so burn some while you map out a plan the future this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: Balance doesn’t happen by magic; you have to work at it! (Especially today!)