Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of ACCEPTANCE – “Acceptance is the first step towards changing my perception, as well as my options. I review the realities of my life, acknowledging that all is as it should be in this moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Blue, Number: 2)

WEDNESDAY: The Sun will move into Gemini and offer some great ideas for you to consider, but double-check your facts before acting on them. You may feel that you have to give up one thing to get another now, however, balancing needs with desires will actually allow you to have a bit of both, provided you are willing to alter your perceptions. A growing mistrust of someone will prove unfounded when you examine the facts under tonight’s Taurus Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: Limits are created by perception; break free of them by enlarging your vision today.