Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of IDEALS – “I cast aside outdated ideas and revise my dreams. My new ideals are attainable with the help of Spirit, as it directs me on how to make them a reality.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: White, Number: 1)
TUESDAY: Conflicts are sure to arise with the Sun moving into Scorpio today, which could mean you’ll have to change direction at a moment’s notice. You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble if you can work ahead for the next two days; that way, you’ll be prepared when blocks emerge mid-week. A direct approach could hurt a loved one’s feelings under today’s Cancer Moon, so speak with a helpful attitude rather than a criticizing tone.
KEEP IN MIND: You can’t get your point across if people refuse to hear what you’re saying; try the soft approach. Make sure all your obligations are met today, or someone could call you on the carpet.