Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “My growing confidence is reflected in everything I do, say and think. A spiritual focus allows me to move toward my dreams with balance, serenity, and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
MONDAY: The Virgo Moon will surround you with an overall feeling of harmony and contentment. Share your optimism with someone who tends to focus on the negative to shift their perspective. Offer extra attention to family and friends this evening, infusing love into the relationships that support and stabilize you. Your tarot card the World will affirm that the goals you’ve been investing in over the last six months are about to pay off, and handsomely!
KEEP IN MIND: Turn your attention outward and focus on bringing joy to all those around you today.