Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “My growing confidence is reflected in everything I do, say and think. A spiritual focus allows me to move toward my dreams with balance, serenity, and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
THURSDAY: The Scorpio Moon will encourage you to take a closer look at your finances today: in the process, you could discover extra cash! Honest discussions will restore balance to your personal relationships, as they increase your understanding of how others feel. Tonight, meditate in a different place to refresh your outlook. You’ll find the reception there to be so good, you may consider adopting it as your new spiritual retreat!
KEEP IN MIND: Even the smallest of changes can alter the results your getting, so take a look around to see what you can do differently.