

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of WONDER – “When I embrace what is, I find my days filled with wonder. The Universe offers me a fresh perspective, allowing me to discover the perfection in each moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

MONDAY: Daydreaming could distract you from your tasks today, as the Gemini Sun coaxes your innermost fantasies to the surface. These ideas could prove to be the catalyst for breaking through the current blocks that surround you, so ponder the possibilities, even if you can’t act on them just yet. You’ll experience a change of heart or mind this evening; blame it on the Sagittarius Moon! Your Tarot card is the High Priestess, which will encourage your intuitive and psychic powers to reach new heights this week.

KEEP IN MIND: Stay away from anything that involves facts or figures; you’re “just not that into it” today.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of WONDER – “When I embrace what is, I find my days filled with wonder. The Universe offers me a fresh perspective, allowing me to discover the perfection in each moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

TUESDAY: You’ll tackle the tasks in front of you in a practical and efficient manner this morning, which should free you up for personal pursuits by early afternoon. You’ll be thinking about a friend from the past under the Sagittarius full Moon; find them on FaceBook or Twitter and see what they’ve been up to! Light a few white candles before your evening meditation to encourage spiritual messages from loved ones on the other side to emerge.

KEEP IN MIND: Today, feel free to shake things up a bit!


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of WONDER – “When I embrace what is, I find my days filled with wonder. The Universe offers me a fresh perspective, allowing me to discover the perfection in each moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

WEDNESDAY: Conflicting messages will come at you from all directions today, prompting you to seek information from new and more reliable sources. Speaking of information, it’s vital you keep personal information or secrets to yourself; if you don’t, they could end up on the evening news! Don’t let a loved one blame you for their mistakes; stay out of the drama and let the facts speak for themselves under the revealing and grounded Capricorn Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: You know how it is some days; it’s best to say as little as possible and be on high alert!


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of WONDER – “When I embrace what is, I find my days filled with wonder. The Universe offers me a fresh perspective, allowing me to discover the perfection in each moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

THURSDAY: The Capricorn Moon will compel you to look inward today, where you’ll discover what actions you’re taking that are undermining your efforts. Once you realize how you are setting yourself up, you can start making the necessary changes. New opportunities for greater independence and freedom are headed your way, despite evidence to the contrary. Meditate this evening to center yourself before the hectic weekend begins.

KEEP IN MIND: Though you can’t change the outside world, there are plenty of actions you can take to enhance your inner sanctuary.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of WONDER – “When I embrace what is, I find my days filled with wonder. The Universe offers me a fresh perspective, allowing me to discover the perfection in each moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

FRIDAY: Though you may feel a bit guilty about leaving your tasks undone today, others will persuade you to take time out for fun and recreation under the spontaneous Aquarius Moon. It’s okay to be selfish this weekend, especially since your next few weeks will be subject to the demands of others. Opt for a picnic or walk in the park, as connecting with nature can help to bring your thoughts back into balance. Dress in blue to empower your intuition as well as your communication skills.

KEEP IN MIND: You always hold yourself up to high standards; today, let your hair down and live a little!


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of WONDER – “When I embrace what is, I find my days filled with wonder. The Universe offers me a fresh perspective, allowing me to discover the perfection in each moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

SATURDAY: You could easily get thrown off track, so try to practice moderation in all things under the Aquarius Moon. Trust your heart over the facts, and wait for intuitive confirmation before taking any actions of a permanent nature. Friends will be your best source of support, so don’t forget to ask for their help, insights, or advice. Meditate on your abundance before bedtime to regain your sense of inner peace.

KEEP IN MIND: You might feel a bit unsettled today, for no apparent reason. Stop throughout the day to get re-centered with a mini-meditation.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of WONDER – “When I embrace what is, I find my days filled with wonder. The Universe offers me a fresh perspective, allowing me to discover the perfection in each moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

SUNDAY: Acknowledge your father and the other important men in your life today; they’d love to hear from you! Inspired by the Gemini Sun, you’ll be drawn to go back and express your appreciation of others to let them know you care. The Pisces Moon will enable you to be more practical-minded, and help you resist the temptation to spend money on something you don’t really need, or want. Burn cedar incense during your meditation; it will surround you with an energy of strength and security.

KEEP IN MIND: Even though it’s Sunday, you’d do well to get as much done as possible, because a busy week lies ahead.