Taurus Horoscopes


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of BALANCE – “I practice self-care to restore my overall balance. When I keep my focus on Spirit and attend my own needs, the remainder of my day takes care of itself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)

MONDAY: Your thoughts turn to security under today’s Leo Moon, which will inspire you to take assertive action to protect yourself, financially as well as physically. Your ability to make permanent decisions is stronger this week, thanks to the influence of your tarot card, the confident Emperor. You’ll find it easier to resolve conflicts with family members or friends this evening, as everyone is ready to listen as well as sharing their own feelings under the Gemini Sun.

WATCH OUT FOR: Self doubt and procrastination
AIM FOR: Protecting yourself and restoring balance with loved ones
KEEP IN MIND: You’ve been sitting on the fence for a while now; time to take a stand and commit!


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of BALANCE – “I practice self-care to restore my overall balance. When I keep my focus on Spirit and attend my own needs, the remainder of my day takes care of itself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)

TUESDAY: The Virgo Moon could bring emotional conflicts to the surface one more time today, just when you thought they’d been resolved! Heart-to-heart discussions will be vital in order to clear the air, and, can reveal important truths in the process. Choose your battles wisely and sidestep other people’s conflicts, as you need to conserve your energy for more important things. Keep your eye on the big picture and practice more patience to help stabilize your movements as well as your emotions.

WATCH OUT FOR: Tunnel vision and emotional conflict
AIM FOR: A spiritual perspective and patience
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t let your emotions get the better of you today, just go with the flow.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of BALANCE – “I practice self-care to restore my overall balance. When I keep my focus on Spirit and attend my own needs, the remainder of my day takes care of itself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)

WEDNESDAY: The temptation to spend money you don’t have will be powerful today, especially with carefree Gemini energy ruling the heavens. Luckily, the Virgo Moon will remind you that fiscal responsibility is essential now. Be sure to maintain a flexible and patient stance with anyone who tries to interferes with your plans, (and trust me, they will). You could find yourself on the receiving end of a practical joke tonight, but take heart, as you can return the favor over the weekend.

WATCH OUT FOR: Indulgent spending and anger
AIM FOR: Flexibility and good humor
KEEP IN MIND: It may seem like everyone’s out to get you today; they aren’t, so try not to take things personally.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of BALANCE – “I practice self-care to restore my overall balance. When I keep my focus on Spirit and attend my own needs, the remainder of my day takes care of itself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)

THURSDAY: You’ll be walking on a higher spiritual plane today, ready to share with and support people who can benefit from your experience. When you consider the Universal law of cause and effect, you’ll be able to see where you are contributing to those blocks you keep running up against. People can’t read your mind, so you’ll have to express your needs more directly. The Libra Moon will inspire prophetic messages to emerge during your evening meditation; take notes!

WATCH OUT FOR: Inattention and resentments
AIM FOR: Uplifting others and asking for what you need
KEEP IN MIND: Spiritual insights and gifts are yours for the taking today; all you have to do is stop and pay attention.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of BALANCE – “I practice self-care to restore my overall balance. When I keep my focus on Spirit and attend my own needs, the remainder of my day takes care of itself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)

FRIDAY: You should investigate your options, as the methods you’ve been using to fix a health or financial problem are not working. Make a list of your priorities, and release unnecessary commitments to create more freedom of movement and less stress. The Libra Moon will awaken out your creative side tonight, so to get the most out of it, sing, draw, dance or make a start on that “great American novel!”

WATCH OUT FOR: Repeating methods that don’t work and high stress
AIM FOR: Breaking old patterns and creating more freedom
KEEP IN MIND: There’s a creative magician within you; today, let it out to play!


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of BALANCE – “I practice self-care to restore my overall balance. When I keep my focus on Spirit and attend my own needs, the remainder of my day takes care of itself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SATURDAY: The opportunity to work overtime or take on a second job could appear today, just when you need extra money the most. Don’t put off obligations, as there’ll be little time over the next few days to get caught up on things. The Scorpio Moon will bring a new friend or spiritual teacher into your midst during a small gathering you attend tonight, so pay attention. Resist the urge to stay out past your bedtime or you’ll pay the price tomorrow.

WATCH OUT FOR: Procrastination and indulgence
AIM FOR: Balance and honoring your commitments
KEEP IN MIND: The Universe knows what your needs are, so watch for heavenly answers to your earthly problems to appear today.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Affirmation for this week of BALANCE – “I practice self-care to restore my overall balance. When I keep my focus on Spirit and attend my own needs, the remainder of my day takes care of itself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SUNDAY: Social gatherings or a romantic getaway can add an air of fun to your day, providing you with a much needed break under the Scorpio Moon. Meditate midday to increase your attractiveness as well as your confidence. Someone from your past could reappear and lay a misunderstanding to rest once and for all. Your ability to be objective can keep you from acting too quickly tonight, which will save you from having to backtrack or reverse your decisions over the next few days.

WATCH OUT FOR: Stubbornness and an unwillingness to forgive and forget
AIM FOR: Fun activities and an open mind
KEEP IN MIND: Whatever you buy today will most likely have to be returned before the week is over: Save all your receipts!