Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of ABUNDANCE – “I witness the wonders of the Universe, and am in awe. I take nothing for granted, and give thanks for the endless abundance that surrounds me each and every day.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Rabbit, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)

FRIDAY: Dress in yellow today, as it can improve your memory retention and clarity. You can release resentments through ritual and meditation, which will dissolve the negative feelings you’re carrying that in truth, are only hurting you. Inspiration will come from an unexpected source as your ruler Mercury moves into Aries today, compelling you to start a creative project or be more adventurous this weekend. Meditate about the abundance of love in your life under tonight’s Scorpio Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: They say that resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die, so quit ruminating about a real or imagined slight and turn it over to the Universe.