Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of FAITH – “I deepen my faith in Spirit through meditation to restore balance and success in my life. When I honor my spiritual needs above all else, my path becomes clear.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Buffalo, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
THURSDAY: New information you discover on the internet will put everything into better perspective under the reality-based Aries Moon. You’re prone to lecturing, but in truth, you’ll get further with a loved one by listening, rather than advising. Your heart already knows what it wants, so as soon as you’re willing to listen and act upon it, your dreams will begin to manifest. Sandalwood incense or essential oils can encourage heartfelt expressions of love, so be sure to burn or diffuse some this evening.
KEEP IN MIND: In your anxiousness to direct someone, you could come across as bossy or controlling; temper your advice with unconditional love and acceptance of whatever they decide to do.