Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of TRANSFORMATION – “I walk through current obstacles with grace and faith, challenging myself to grow. I enter a cycle of transformation where Spirit can change and refine me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

MONDAY: When you quit trying to figure things out in your head and simply embrace your feelings, new awareness will begin to emerge. Projects at work could be delayed while you wait for further information or direction to come in; be patient! When you focus on giving rather than receiving under the equitable Aries new Moon/Solar Eclipse, all your closest relationships will benefit. Your tarot card the Seeker generates new opportunities this week; be sure to take advantage of each and every one!

KEEP IN MIND: Thinking your way through your problems is futile today; instead, listen to your heart and follow your intuition.