Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “Maintaining my spiritual disciplines raises my perspective and unifies my actions, thoughts, and feelings. I ask Spirit to direct all my movements this week.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: White, Number: 1)
WEDNESDAY: Creating new boundaries can add stability to your life, as the Aries Moon will remind you to be more self-aware and honor your true feelings over the requests of others. You could feel an urge to act out of character today, but stop for a moment to consider how your behavior might affect others. It might be a good idea to spend some time going over finances this evening, as it appears you may have forgotten to record an expense or pay a bill!
KEEP IN MIND: Boundaries and limits aren’t just for other people; be sure you’re operating with balance today too.