Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of BELIEFS – “New truths emerge each time I seek spiritual direction. I gain a new depth of purpose during daily meditation, which allows me to move in sync with the Universe.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Green, Number: 4)
THURSDAY: When you express your point of view with more passion today, people will stand up and take notice. Being patient no longer serves you in a relationship; make a move under today’s assertive Scorpio full Moon. You should avoid abrupt shifts in movement as well as inattentiveness, or minor accidents are sure to occur. Widen your spiritual perception during your evening meditation, and you’ll be given a brand new view of a current situation.
KEEP IN MIND: You may find it hard to see the forest for the trees today; step back for a broader view.