

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of ANTICIPATION – “I live life to its fullest, trusting the Universe to protect, uplift, and bless me in amazing ways. I anticipate the new year ahead and become open to the possibilities.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 1)

MONDAY: This day will call for extra sensitivity and perception, as the Pisces Moon could tend to upset your emotional stability and tempt your greatest fears to the surface. Carry an obsidian stone with you or dress in black to help release pent-up frustrations. You can improve your overall outlook with some physical exercise or a change of scenery this afternoon. Your tarot card the Fool reflects your hopes for the future this week, as it surrounds you with an air of excitement, faith, and optimism!

KEEP IN MIND: If worry or fear tends to follow you around today, turn that baggage over to the ultimate “Skycap,” – Spirit!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of ANTICIPATION – “I live life to its fullest, trusting the Universe to protect, uplift, and bless me in amazing ways. I anticipate the new year ahead and become open to the possibilities.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 1)

TUESDAY: You’ll wake up full of energy today, ready to accomplish any unfinished tasks in your path. You must be extra mindful of your words now; making a promise you can’t keep just won’t do! With the new year just a week or so away, this is the perfect time to start putting a detailed plan together and setting clearer goals for the future. Burn jasmine incense or use essential oils as you meditate under the Pisces Moon and focus on sending positive energy to a loved one who’s far away at the moment.

KEEP IN MIND: This could end up being your most productive day of the week, so don’t put off till tomorrow what it’s time to accomplish today!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of ANTICIPATION – “I live life to its fullest, trusting the Universe to protect, uplift, and bless me in amazing ways. I anticipate the new year ahead and become open to the possibilities.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 1)

WEDNESDAY: The Aries Moon will turn your thoughts to security and stability today, so make home, family, and personal well-being your focus. Self-reflection can reveal where you’re contributing to a problem and help you find the best way to change it. Wear yellow or carry a citrine stone to restore your energy and positive outlook. Allow yourself time to reflect this evening, as feelings from the past are likely to surface for your attention so you can clear and release them once and for all.

KEEP IN MIND: Change is an inside job, so go internal today and ask Spirit to help you restore balance to your world.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of ANTICIPATION – “I live life to its fullest, trusting the Universe to protect, uplift, and bless me in amazing ways. I anticipate the new year ahead and become open to the possibilities.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 1)

THURSDAY: Today marks the start of a new season as the Sun enters Capricorn and kicks off a cycle of rebirth! Your superpowers will come out, so don your cape and get ready to jump through the hoops of your day with a single bound! Your emotions could get the better of you when fantasy runs into reality under today’s Aries Moon. You’ll find yourself in the right place at the right time tonight, where a wonderful surprise awaits you!

KEEP IN MIND: It’s the “season to be jolly” so focus on the blessings and don’t let negative thinking set in!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of ANTICIPATION – “I live life to its fullest, trusting the Universe to protect, uplift, and bless me in amazing ways. I anticipate the new year ahead and become open to the possibilities.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 1)

FRIDAY: You may feel overwhelmed with all that falls on your plate under today’s Taurus Moon. Don’t worry though, as your ability to focus on three things at once is in top form thanks to the Capricorn Sun! Get last-minute preparations completed this afternoon, literally “wrapping things up” for the weekend. Lay low and relax this evening to regroup and recenter, so you’ll be ready for the fun days ahead!

KEEP IN MIND: Expect to be running in five different directions today; no worries though, as your multi-tasking skills are in rare form!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of ANTICIPATION – “I live life to its fullest, trusting the Universe to protect, uplift, and bless me in amazing ways. I anticipate the new year ahead and become open to the possibilities.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 1)

SATURDAY: You’ll breeze through the morning, completing current projects to make way for new ventures. You should contact a friend who’s been on your mind these past few weeks, as once you do, you’ll discover why you needed to reach out! Move with caution under the Taurus Moon, as other people don’t seem to be paying attention to their own movements or actions. Sage incense or essential oils can help you to hear intuitive messages more clearly during your evening meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: That nagging feeling you have is your intuition trying to tell you something; listen up!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of ANTICIPATION – “I live life to its fullest, trusting the Universe to protect, uplift, and bless me in amazing ways. I anticipate the new year ahead and become open to the possibilities.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 1)

SUNDAY: You may find it challenging to keep your focus on work under today’s light-hearted Gemini Moon. Do what you can, and then make a list of responsibilities you’ll get back to after the holidays. Go ahead and leave everything on the back burner at noon so you can prepare for a fun-filled and joyful evening. Tonight could bring a gift of money your way, allowing for a spontaneous splurge: The problem? What to spend it on!

KEEP IN MIND: The spirit of the season will call to your fun side today; put work on the back burner and enjoy yourself!