Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “I seek the spiritual joy and personal growth that comes from authentically embracing all life has to offer. Spirit is my guide to wholeness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
MONDAY: Your intuition will blossom today, so try not to second-guess yourself and just follow Spirit’s directives. You’ll be putting out fires all day long it seems, as others tend to block your movements with their thoughtless actions. The Taurus Moon could bring out your temper if someone is treating you unfairly; just be sure you have all the facts before confronting them. Your tarot card the Hermit will enable you to view things from the most spiritual angle possible this week.
KEEP IN MIND: Grrr… Trouble seems to greet you at every turn, but none of it is of your making. Push your way through the blocks and try not to lose your temper.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “I seek the spiritual joy and personal growth that comes from authentically embracing all life has to offer. Spirit is my guide to wholeness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
TUESDAY: You may feel a bit under the weather today, so eat more yellow foods to fend off any budding illnesses. As you begin to grow closer to another, you’ll start taking down the walls you’ve built and replacing them with better boundaries under the balancing Gemini Moon. During meditation, a closer look at relationship struggles will reveal that you’ve been holding back, which in turn will encourage you to become more open and available to loved ones.
KEEP IN MIND: You get what you give, so if you’re not getting the intimacy and affection you crave, consider what you’re generating out to others.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “I seek the spiritual joy and personal growth that comes from authentically embracing all life has to offer. Spirit is my guide to wholeness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
WEDNESDAY: Today’s Gemini Moon will reenergize you as it blankets you in optimism and generosity. You’ll be inspired to try new things, so take a few risks and open yourself up to others on more authentic levels. An extra dose of patience will come in handy as those around you tend to move in ethereal or counterintuitive ways. You’ll engage in a meaningful conversation this evening, which will result in a deeper understanding between you and a loved one.
KEEP IN MIND: You’re ready to take a leap of faith now, so feel free to move in any direction that calls your name!
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “I seek the spiritual joy and personal growth that comes from authentically embracing all life has to offer. Spirit is my guide to wholeness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
THURSDAY: A turn of events could throw you off center this morning, but don’t panic, as the delays it creates will eventually work in your favor. A commitment you made a few months ago is taking more time than you imagined; ask for an extension or get someone to help you. Take a deep breath and dive into a new social scene on the internet tonight, exploring new chat rooms or social media events. With the Cancer Moon leading the way, you’re sure to make more than one new friend in the process.
KEEP IN MIND: It’s easy to get thrown off center today, as things seem to shift on an hourly basis. Just stay focused in the moment and start a list of the things you’ll have to get to later.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “I seek the spiritual joy and personal growth that comes from authentically embracing all life has to offer. Spirit is my guide to wholeness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
FRIDAY: If home repairs are on your list this morning; start early or call a professional to take care of the problem. Your dreams are about to align with reality as Uranus turns direct, which in turn will reveal that your limited thoughts are the only thing holding you back. Wear white, ideal for encouraging you to adopt a more open mind and optimistic outlook for the future. Stay in tonight and indulge yourself with an old movie or new book under the Cancer full Moon/lunar eclipse.
KEEP IN MIND: A little journaling can help you see where you’re thinking has been off, so put pen to paper and see what you can discover!
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “I seek the spiritual joy and personal growth that comes from authentically embracing all life has to offer. Spirit is my guide to wholeness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
SATURDAY: You’ll face a number of options that all appear viable today, but risky. Take time to recheck your information or ask additional questions to clarify and sort through the advantages and disadvantages of each. A last-minute change to your plans will leave you with some free time tonight; spend it creatively. The Leo Moon evokes your affectionate side, so light a few pink candles and let them generate an aura of warmth, openness, and unconditional love around you.
KEEP IN MIND: You lack the information you need to make a decision; sit on the fence until more is revealed.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “I seek the spiritual joy and personal growth that comes from authentically embracing all life has to offer. Spirit is my guide to wholeness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
SUNDAY: You can take advantage of the indulgent Leo Moon by sleeping in late or filling your social calendar with fun events. For a change, let those chores and paperwork sit on the back burner and refuse to feel guilty about it. Light jasmine incense or use essential oils during your meditation to help you see a love relationship from a more spiritual angle. If there are changes to be made, now is the time.
KEEP IN MIND: Take it easy today and enjoy the earthy vibes of the Capricorn Sun.