Virgo Horoscopes


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-EXAMINATION – “Self-examination reveals what I must change to align with my perfect destiny. I ask the Universe to guide me to a more spiritual and joyful life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

MONDAY: Increasing financial imbalances will call for your attention today, and in the process, will alert you to be more mindful of your spending habits. You’ll cross paths with someone who seems very familiar to you, and it’s likely they’re someone you’ve shared a past life with. Your tarot card the Hanged Man will inspire you to look more deeply into your soul for the answers to current struggles. Tonight’s magical Libra Moon will bring innovative ideas your way, most likely on the internet or from a perfect stranger!

WATCH OUT FOR: random spending and frustration
AIM FOR: balancing your finances and spiritual contemplation
KEEP IN MIND: You never know who Spirit will use to send you important information, so keep your ears and eyes open today!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-EXAMINATION – “Self-examination reveals what I must change to align with my perfect destiny. I ask the Universe to guide me to a more spiritual and joyful life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

TUESDAY: As you encourage others to follow their dreams today, you’ll be inspired to do the same. Before you make an irreversible decision under the Libra Moon, consider loved ones that might be affected. If you don’t, you’ll meet with trouble down the road. You’ve missed a text or two over the last few days, so check your phone and get back to them. Write down your professional or financial goals and then place the list under a yellow candle. Meditate over it for the next seven days and ask for Spirit’s help to bring them into reality.

WATCH OUT FOR: selfish action and inattention
AIM FOR: conferring with others and double-checking correspondence
KEEP IN MIND: You’ll dispense inspiring advice to those around you today; consider taking that same advice yourself!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-EXAMINATION – “Self-examination reveals what I must change to align with my perfect destiny. I ask the Universe to guide me to a more spiritual and joyful life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

WEDNESDAY: A business proposal that’s been in limbo for some time could be accepted under today’s Libra Moon, resulting in a sudden call to action; be prepared to move at a moment’s notice! Financial mistakes can be righted with a simple phone call; the sooner the better. In order to clear up a resentment or misunderstanding with a loved one, you’ll have to sit down and discuss things with them. During meditation, envision yourself surrounded by white light to form a protective barrier around you.

WATCH OUT FOR: resentments and financial imbalance
AIM FOR: and being prepared clearing the air with loved ones
KEEP IN MIND: You could find it difficult to move with balance today, so don’t forget to stop every few hours and ask Spirit for help.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-EXAMINATION – “Self-examination reveals what I must change to align with my perfect destiny. I ask the Universe to guide me to a more spiritual and joyful life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

THURSDAY: You’ll move through the day with a generous and attentive attitude, uplifting those around you under the optimistic Scorpio Moon. The best way to help a friend is by listening rather than advising; allow them to come to their own conclusions. Make a list of the new projects or interests you want to take on over the next month, and then prioritize them as the Sun nears the end of its run through your sign. You’ll be up late tonight considering your future as a million and one ideas dance through your head!

WATCH OUT FOR: selfishness and advice-giving
AIM FOR: generosity and optimism
KEEP IN MIND: You’ll find yourself fantasizing about the future all day long; that’s great, because you now have the power to make a few of those dreams come true!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-EXAMINATION – “Self-examination reveals what I must change to align with my perfect destiny. I ask the Universe to guide me to a more spiritual and joyful life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

FRIDAY: The Sagittarius Moon will bring out your ambitious side today, but you’d be smart to do a little more research before you make any big changes or binding agreements. Basically you want to consider how it will affect you time wise as well as financially. Wear or carry a jade stone with you to surround yourself with protection and for added awareness. Then, meditate with this same stone tonight to attract more love and abundance into your life.

WATCH OUT FOR: rash action and short-sightedness
AIM FOR: researching the facts and higher awareness
KEEP IN MIND: You could be tripping all over yourself in your rush to get ahead today; remember, one step at a time!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-EXAMINATION – “Self-examination reveals what I must change to align with my perfect destiny. I ask the Universe to guide me to a more spiritual and joyful life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

SATURDAY: You should get to know a new friend or spiritual teacher better today. Be sure to make and return important phone calls under today’s Sagittarius Moon, as you’ve been neglecting loved ones. Move with caution, as others have a way of changing direction at a moment’s notice and could generate a needless accident. You’ve been hiding out in your house for way too long; tonight, make plans to join friends for a spontaneous night out.

WATCH OUT FOR: neglecting loved ones and isolating
AIM FOR: reaching out to others and moving with caution
KEEP IN MIND: This is the perfect day to reconnect with loved ones or get to know an intriguing new friend better!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-EXAMINATION – “Self-examination reveals what I must change to align with my perfect destiny. I ask the Universe to guide me to a more spiritual and joyful life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

SUNDAY: You’ll be able to maintain a steady balance today, alternating between work and fun Some reflective journaling or meditation could reveal more about a very special person in your life, including the sense you have that you’ve spent a past life together. The Sagittarius Moon could encourage indulgent behavior this evening, so be careful about overdoing anything of a fun or impulsive nature.

WATCH OUT FOR: shirking responsibilities and indulgent behavior
AIM FOR: practical action and temperance
KEEP IN MIND: The Virgo Sun is all about balance, though you may find it hard to keep your’s today!