April 15 – April 21, 2019

We’ve got a lot of heavenly activity going on this week as we lead up to Easter Sunday! Technical and detailed work, planning and research are the theme under Monday and Tuesday’s Virgo Moon. On Wednesday, Mercury will move into fast-paced Aries, speeding up our thinking, logic and technical skills. Friday’s Libra full Moon is a call for balance as well as release, so in conjunction with Good Friday, we’ll want to honor the spiritual cleansing and let go of anything that is holding us back or keeping us from operating on an even keel. Venus will move into Aries on Saturday, which could throw a wrench into personal relationships. Be mindful of your words and resist the urge to take anything others say too personally. Don’t let your own fears dictate your actions, and be quick to apologize if things go haywire. The Sun will move into Taurus on Easter Sunday, bring a tone of stability and grounding to our worlds over the next four weeks. Easter represents rebirth, and with the Sun in an earth sign, it’s time to address our physical bodies and immediate surroundings. Wherever change is needed, this is the ideal time to start taking action!