April 20 through April 26, 2020

We’ll be running on all cylinders this week, thanks to empowering astrological energy and the Taurus new Moon on Wednesday! The week starts out with an assertive Aries Moon on Monday and Tuesday, charging up our intents and spurring us into action. When the new Moon occurs on Tuesday, Taurus energy moves us forward, meticulous, determined and grounded. This surge continues through Friday, making for an incredibly productive week in general. Pluto will turn retrograde on Saturday, but we may not even notice, as this is a subtle aspect as Pluto will spend the next five months traveling backward until early October. This phase is designed to reconnect us with karmic soul mates, help us clear past karma and reminds us that as a generation, we’re obligated to continue sorting through the things in our lives that aren’t working and make a stronger effort for change on both a personal and global level. The Moon cycles through Gemini over the weekend, making communication, socializing and cruising the information highway our mottos. Touch base with your favorite people, update your social media and dive into those new apps and Youtube videos with a passion!