April 27 through May 3, 2020

The week begins with Mercury, the planet of communication and messages, moving into Taurus for a few weeks. This makes the ideal time to ask for help or get further directions on how to do something, like make repairs, cut your own hair or move into a more creative realm (painting that next Picasso or writing the great American novel!) We’ll have plenty of time to spare this week as things settle down after two weeks of high activity. The Moon will move through Cancer Monday through Wednesday, creating an easy tone and comfortability in the air. Thursday and Friday’s Leo Moon is designed to remind us to love ourselves more, practice generosity and let our lights shine brightly! Anything of a detailed or organizational manner is best saved until the weekend as the Moon travels through Virgo and brings out our meticulous sides. If we’ve been putting off clearing out the garage or the backs of our closets, this is the perfect weekend to purge and finish up that spring cleaning we’ve been meaning to get to!