April 6 through April 12, 2020

The Libra full Moon occurs on Tuesday, followed by Mercury’s entry into Aries on Friday, which will make for a very lovely pre-Easter week. Anything we need to accomplish that involves details or planning is best done on Monday as the Virgo Moon brings out our organizational skills. Tuesday’s Libra full Moon is famous for bringing people from the past into our minds, whether just a fleeting thought or an actual encounter, so if someone crosses your mind, see if you can find them on social media or give them a call! Things flow along pretty smoothly the next few days, and we can expect a major burst of energy when Mercury moves into Aries on Good Friday. For the next few weeks, this placement will inspire our hearts and minds, bring out creative talents to the surface and have us seeking out new ways to reach our goals. Easter weekend unfolds under a fun-loving Sagittarius Moon, as it reminds us that rebirth is upon us and opening the door to new beginnings and renewed life!