April 8 – April 14, 2019

Jupiter begins it’s four month retrograde period this week, and the planet of fortune and expansion will be going behind the scenes to create the internal change necessary before we witness it evolve externally. That being said, this is still an active and lucky week, with lots of fun surprises on the horizon. Networking is the theme at the start of the week, as the Moon moves through Gemini and inspires us to research, ask for help and evaluate what we know versus what we need to learn. Take lots of notes, be forthright in seeking out the answers and leave no stone unturned as you seek greater wisdom and information! The Moon wades into Cancer on Thursday, slowing the pace and turning our attention to home and loved ones. We also need to turn some of that nurturing energy on to ourselves, and this weekend’s Leo Moon is perfect for taking care of those personal needs we’ve been neglecting. If you haven’t already finished your Spring cleaning, now is the time to gather those items that need to go to the donation center or garage sale, as clearing out space for the new is essential!