August 31 through September 6, 2020

A Pisces full Moon on Tuesday will set the stage for a spiritual and transformational week, as it asks us to release pre-conceived notions and follow our intuition as we move forward. This is also known as the Harvest Moon, preparing us to reap what we’ve sown over the last six months. The Moon continues to travel the metaphysical realms of Pisces through Thursday morning and then hands the reins over to Aries, the sign of action and progressive movement throughout the rest of the workweek. Mercury will move into Libra on Saturday, providing us with a more balanced and beautiful mindset for the next three weeks. This is an ideal time to strengthen your current partnership or go in search of new love, if you’re looking! Venus will enter dynamic Leo on Sunday, where it will spend the next four weeks encouraging more self-love, greater self-expression and urge us to quit hiding our lights under a barrel! So embrace the Venus in Leo energy and get out there and strut your stuff!