January 11 through January 17, 2021

You’ll be up and running early Monday morning under the diligent Capricorn Moon, plowing through projects at record speed! There’s an additional boost coming on Tuesday as we welcome in a Capricorn new Moon with open arms. Get done what you can though, as the Moon moves into Aquarius on Wednesday and casts an unpredictable tone to the remainder of the workweek. Uranus turns retrograde on Thursday, reminding us to be diligent with our new year resolutions, especially those that involve getting healthier, losing weight, and improving our finances. After a busy busy week, we’ll get to step back and relax under this weekend’s Pisces Moon, as it encourages us to go inward and tend to our spiritual selves. Meditating, journaling, and venturing out into nature are all great ways to embrace the soulful vibes of this weekend.