Double Vision: Is Thinking or Talking about Aliens Risky?

May 13 – May 19, 2019

We’ll have two planets changing signs this week, as well as a waxing full Moon in Scorpio. Overall, these are harmonious shifts and should work in our favor. Granted, Monday will be the most productive day of the week under the Virgo Moon, and once we get the deadline stuff out of the way, we can cruise on the peaceful vibes the remainder of the week. Venus moves into Taurus, a sign it rules, on Wednesday, promoting love, balance and heart-felt connections for the next four weeks. A few hours later, Mars will wade into the watery sign of Cancer for a two month swim in the spiritual and emotional realm. Mars, the planet of action, can struggle when it’s in water signs, as the movement we’ll experience is more internal than external. The Scorpio full Moon occurs on Saturday, but we’ll start to feel the effects as early as Thursday. Water sign full Moons tend to bring people from our past back into view, as well as providing spiritual insight and karmic opportunities for us to take advantage of. One caveat though, to embrace the new we must first let go of the old, so be prepared to release one or more thoughts, people or ventures that up to this point, have refused to manifest into reality!