October 7 through October 13, 2019

We’ll be in the shadows of a waxing full Moon this week, so be on the alert for minor accidents, computer glitches and surprising messages from people in your past! We’ll be under the influence of an Aquarius Moon on Monday and Tuesday, which means there’s a chance we’ll be changing direction at a moment’s notice! New ideas flow in but we’ll have to take care not to blurt out everything we know or think now; better to keep things to ourselves for another week or so! Venus will move into Scorpio on Tuesday, kicking off a month-long passion for the supernatural, the mystical and the unexplained. It will also turn our thoughts to our shadow sides or deeper selves, unearthing memories or experiences that it’s time to look at and clear out, as the transformational energy of Scorpio is so famous for. The rest of the week takes a softer tone as the Moon glides through Pisces, gearing us toward our spiritual sides and helping us look at the bigger picture of life. The weekend is ruled by an assertive and active Aries Moon, so this is a great time to get things done! Sunday’s Aries full Moon will inspire us to purge, and its motto is “out with the old and in with the new”, so if you’ve got clutter around your house you’ve been meaning to bag up and donate, now’s the time!