Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Life is a great big canvas….and you should throw all the paint on it you can.” You can picture this can’t you? Imagine we all begin life as a huge totally blank canvas and, as we move through life, our experiences, both good and bad, positive and not so positive, become the paints that colour […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“As I declutter my life, I free myself to answer the calling of my soul.” I don’t know about you but this certainly strikes a chord with me. It took me a lot of years to actually realise I needed to declutter my life, not just of material things, but old outdated beliefs/ideas and, to […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Your life is a result of the choices you make….if you don’t like your life it is time to start making BETTER CHOICES.” How many times has somebody around you caused you to grit your teeth or bite your tongue by continually bemoaning their life and how things always go wrong for them, that their […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“I am the most powerful tool in my life and I will use me wisely.” This is true for each and every one of us. Our minds and bodies are ours to use in order to get what we want from life. When you really think about it, how amazing are we? Our bodies and […]
Double Vision: She Dreams Her Loved Ones Faked their Deaths
The love of my life, Juan, was killed on 9/23/09. He was a Cancer and I’m a Capricorn. I miss him so much. In the dream I had about him last night, it was as if he were alive. I even asked him if he was alive, and he answered that he was. He also […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour.” What a wonderful saying! I totally agree and do my best to do what I am told (which doesn’t happen often believe me!). Not so easy though considering the trials and tribulations life has a habit of placing before us on our way is it? […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“A good life is when you assume nothing, need less, do more, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, and realise how blessed you are for what you have.” That certainly sums up the life we should all be leading or striving to lead. How wonderful and blessed are we if it we are already […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Life will knock you down. The real learning starts when you have to get back up.” Like me, I expect life has knocked you down more than a few times if you’ve been fortunate and a great many times if not. Sometimes, when we feel we’ve had enough, we may be tempted to just stay […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and don’t have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Being honest, I must admit I can occasionally be judgemental, although it’s something I’m working on. Quick to assume or make a snap judgement of someone […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote
“When life gets stormy, dance in the rain.” This always reminds me of the song “Singing in The Rain”, and Gene Kelly dancing and singing in the pouring rain with a big smile on his face. They don’t make movies like that anymore, sigh…. Now where was I? Oh yes! I like to think that […]